
Other Name
Nhóm Dịch Unknown
Loại Truyện Manga
Tác Giả Stelios pliatsikas
Họa Sĩ Thanos kyratzis
Tình Trạng Ongoing


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Giới Thiệu

In the world of Dreamland, in its third age of the Pyre, lords have abandoned their thrones.Kings have postponed their reign for far too long.Now that the last Pyre fades and darkness settles.Who will save these "Dream" worthy lands? The Deceivers Story.

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Chap Tựa Đề Lượt Xem Ngày Thêm Action
18 Vol.4 Ch.18 : Perinthia 312 05/12/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
17 Chapter 17: Herald's Sacrifice 133 07/08/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
16 chapter 16 177 15/07/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
15 chapter 15 198 09/06/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
14 chapter 14 110 09/06/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
13 chapter 13 45 09/06/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
12 chapter 12 73 09/06/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
11 Vol.2 Ch.11 : Morlan 111 08/05/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
10 Vol.1 Ch.10 : Detach 90 08/05/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
9 Vol.1 Ch.9 : Yalaksi 120 08/05/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
8 Vol.1 Ch.8 : Dark Impetus 103 08/05/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
7 Vol.1 Ch.7 : The Switch Pt 2 107 08/05/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
6 Vol.1 Ch.6 : The Switch Pt 1 118 08/05/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
5 Vol.1 Ch.5 : Radical Notion 120 08/05/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
4 Vol.1 Ch.4 : One Simple Idea 112 08/05/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
3 Vol.1 Ch.3 : Drumroll 176 08/05/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
2 Vol.1 Ch.2 : We Built Our Own World 132 08/05/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
1 Vol.1 Ch.1 : Half Remembered Dream 473 08/05/2018 edit_road add_photo_alternate cloud_download
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Thông tin

Other Name
Nhóm Dịch Unknown
Loại Truyện Manga
Tác Giả Stelios pliatsikas
Họa Sĩ Thanos kyratzis
Tình Trạng Ongoing
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