Armitage the Third

Other Name
Armitage the Third
Nhóm Dịch Jaiminis Box
Loại Truyện Manga
Tác Giả Ant Studio
Họa Sĩ IKEGAMI Tatsuya
Tình Trạng Ongoing

Armitage the Third

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Giới Thiệu

Armitage the Third borrows heavily from both Blade Runner and Total Recall to present a humans vs. androids murder mystery set on a Mars of the future. A four-part OVA series was released beginning in 1994, and this manga utilizes the same main characters and setting yet with a slightly different plot line. Copies are exceedingly rare even in Japan.

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Thông tin

Other Name
Armitage the Third
Nhóm Dịch Jaiminis Box
Loại Truyện Manga
Tác Giả Ant Studio
Họa Sĩ IKEGAMI Tatsuya
Tình Trạng Ongoing
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