artificial temperature 36.7°c

Other Name
Nhóm Dịch Unknown
Loại Truyện Manhua
Tác Giả 不学禅
Họa Sĩ 尼三岁
Tình Trạng Ongoing

Đọc chuyện xuyên không huyền ảo, xuyên không tại English Novel

artificial temperature 36.7°c

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Giới Thiệu

Su, born in prison, has always wanted to see the "crow" from what her mother told her. On the day when she was about to be secretly executed, Gill, the artificial intelligence, was thrown into prison for a test run. She compasses everything from the outside world in her database. Su developed special feelings for Gill, although she didn't care that the words Gill spoke were programmed or from her own consciousness. Unable to distinguish her own human feelings... in this small cell, the lonely Su got her first doll--she met a "person" who could bring her solace.

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Thông tin

Other Name
Nhóm Dịch Unknown
Loại Truyện Manhua
Tác Giả 不学禅
Họa Sĩ 尼三岁
Tình Trạng Ongoing
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