Falling Fast! -Every Night the Sandman Comes to Take Me (In A Dirty Way)-

Other Name
Soku Ochi! Konya mo Suima ni Osawarete imsu (Sei-teki na Imi de)
Translator Name Unknown
Category Manga
Author Gouma
Artist unknown
Status Ongoing

Falling Fast! -Every Night the Sandman Comes to Take Me (In A Dirty Way)-

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3 Chaps



Nao's often busy at work and as a result, she's sleep-deprived. Though she's always tired during the day, she just can't close her eyes at night. But tonight, as she's reading manga on her phone again... a mysterious hottie appears next to her bed! He claims to be a sandman, and despite his intense lecture on her waking habits, Nao's not convinced he's real. Frustrated, he says he'll do his job if she sleeps with him. But... what kind of "sleep" does he mean!? Nao is now the target of a devilish sandman, who spoils her physically and emotionally. Their passionate life together has just begun!This manga is being uploaded as part of a collaborative library project; if you'd like to help upload this and other manga, or request manga to be uploaded, join at: https://discord.gg/D6gvzgH

Support the author and purchase some chaptershttps://www.ebookrenta.com/renta/sc/frm/item/140921/

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Other Name
Soku Ochi! Konya mo Suima ni Osawarete imsu (Sei-teki na Imi de)
Translator Name Unknown
Category Manga
Author Gouma
Artist unknown
Status Ongoing
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